Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
Minnesotans should be able to trust that the state agency with “pollution control” as part of its name is actually doing just that — controlling pollution.
But since late 2023, questions have understandably lingered about whether the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) lived up to its charge and its moniker when it came to a foundry in south Minneapolis that had long triggered air quality complaints from those living and working nearby.
In findings made public in November that year, it was the federal government, not the state agency headquartered in St. Paul, that finally acted. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had made a surprise inspection of Smith Foundry, located in the East Phillips neighborhood. It concluded that the foundry had been “violating emissions laws since at least 2018,” according to Star Tribune news coverage, and demanded that the company comply with air pollution regulations.
Smith Foundry shuttered for good last summer. But that doesn’t erase the need to understand why the federal government found the problem before the state did.
Fortunately, a new review from the respected Office of the Legislative Auditor, which is a Minnesota version of the U.S. Government Accountability Office, sheds light on that. The findings from its characteristically thorough review, released last month, faulted the state agency for how it handled Smith Foundry air quality complaints and commendably delves into the scientific methodological differences that led to the EPA and not the MPCA detecting the compliance problem.
The review merits timely follow-up by state lawmakers. The contrast between the EPA’s assertiveness and MPCA’s lack thereof dealt a serious blow to the public’s trust in this important state agency. A high-profile public hearing at the Capitol focusing on the auditor’s findings is a necessary step to rebuild that confidence.