As a licensed clinical nurse specialist who earned my graduate degree in nursing instead of law, it would be foolish of me to expound publicly about the law or legal matters. Kevin Roche, in his March 27 counterpoint about Minnesota’s pandemic response, writes without adequate medical understanding, perhaps because his graduate degrees are in law and business administration, not a health care field (“Counterpoint: A perspective different from Jan Malcolm’s on Minnesota’s COVID-19 response”). His rant deriding the attempts of Minnesota authorities to keep us alive during the COVID pandemic is cringeworthy in its biased and poorly-reasoned assumptions.
To name just one of many, he is simply wrong to state that “respiratory-virus vaccines have notoriously weak effectiveness.” Measles, mumps and rubella are all caused by respiratory viruses, which rarely sicken vaccinated people but are sometimes fatal without that safeguard. The way vaccines work is by getting revaccinated periodically through one’s life. Flu vaccines received yearly will usually cut your chance of getting influenza (another respiratory virus) by about half, and are very protective against critical illness or death. That is how COVID vaccines work too, but I must remind Roche that they were not available for the general population until after the pandemic had already killed around 350,000 Americans.
Only thanks to masking, social distancing and vaccinations was Minnesota’s final death toll from five years of COVID kept to about 16,700 instead of the early projections of 50,000. In 2020 nobody knew if these measures would save lives, but we had to try. I lost my co-grandma to this awful virus in early 2020; it’s permanent for me and the grandchild we both loved. Should Minnesota not have been afraid of a virus that has so far killed more than 7 million people worldwide? Roche’s counterpoint is full of unscientific statements and accusations, a partisan tirade typical of someone who aims to provoke discord rather than improve public health.
Christine Lewis, Minneapolis
What is often missed, and what Roche failed to acknowledge in his opinion piece, is what was happening in the hospitals during the worst days of the COVID pandemic. Schools and businesses were closed to lessen the number of cases so hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed beyond their ability to care for not only COVID patients, but for all. Elective surgeries had already been canceled. Entire units had been repurposed to care for COVID cases and, in fact, an entire hospital, Bethesda, in St. Paul was converted to care only for COVID patients. Yet, case counts continued to rise and threaten capacity, and ventilators were in short supply. There was suffering on all counts during the worst of the pandemic, but at the time, no treatment known to be effective, and no vaccine to lessen its spread.