Katy Read

Carver and western Hennepin Counties
Read has also written for Salon, Real Simple, Working Mother, Minnesota Monthly, the Chicago Sun-Times, The Toronto Globe and Mail and other publications. Her essays have been published in several anthologies including "Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir." She has won a Minnesota State Arts Board grant and multiple literary awards, as well as four fellowships for journalists on aging. She is a Minnetonka native and a University of Minnesota graduate. Her most exciting hobbies include working (very slowly) on a memoir, cruising the internet and walking her dog.

Latest from Katy Read


MacPhail therapists use music to treat a wide range of health issues

Minneapolis program focuses on music’s power to affect brain function, mood and behavior.
September 20, 2024

Why isn’t medication that eliminates opioid cravings more widely used?

Despite government approval, the drug still scares some people.
September 14, 2024

He was the face of addiction recovery. Then he got hooked on opioids.

In a new book, William Cope Moyers, a vice president at Minnesota’s Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, tells about how, after years of sobriety, he became addicted to painkillers — and how he got off them.
September 13, 2024

Mobile Market delivers food to Twin Cities communities in need

Converted school bus is a grocery store on wheels.
September 6, 2024

Minneapolis woman, losing speech to Parkinson’s disease, works to communicate via a documentary

Jackie Hunt Christensen speaks slowly and faintly, but her determination is strong.
August 30, 2024

Minneapolis musicians play oldies that senior-home audiences remember from their younger days

When the Floras perform, audiences can sing along to songs by Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley and other hits from their youth.
August 23, 2024

The eagle isn’t actually the national bird. An effort launched in Wabasha may change that.

The National Eagle Center is spearheading an effort championed by Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Reps. Angie Craig and Brad Finstad.
August 17, 2024

New book by St. Paul therapist guides self-examination through journaling

“Unapologetically Healing: A Guided Journal for Reflection and Generational Transformation” is designed for use during, after or instead of therapy.
August 9, 2024

Minneapolis woman, losing speech to Parkinson’s disease, works to communicate via a documentary

Jackie Hunt Christensen speaks slowly and faintly, but her determination is strong.
August 30, 2024

Minneapolis musicians play oldies that senior-home audiences remember from their younger days

When the Floras perform, audiences can sing along to songs by Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley and other hits from their youth.
August 23, 2024

The eagle isn’t actually the national bird. An effort launched in Wabasha may change that.

The National Eagle Center is spearheading an effort championed by Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Reps. Angie Craig and Brad Finstad.
August 17, 2024

New book by St. Paul therapist guides self-examination through journaling

“Unapologetically Healing: A Guided Journal for Reflection and Generational Transformation” is designed for use during, after or instead of therapy.
August 9, 2024
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