JoCleta Wilson’s alarm goes off at 4 a.m. She jumps out of bed, makes a pot of coffee and puts on her makeup. Then she drives herself to Home Depot for work.
Wilson is 100 years old.
She believes maintaining a busy schedule — which includes working at Home Depot two to three mornings per week — is a big contributor to her longevity.
“That’s what keeps me sharp,” Wilson said from her home in Louisville, where she lives on her own.
A growing body of scientific research supports Wilson’s idea about aging well: Staying active with work, hobbies, socializing or volunteering can be a key factor in longevity.
“There’s lots of evidence showing that keeping busy is good for older adults,” said Deborah Carr, director of the Center for Innovation in Social Science and a professor of sociology at Boston University. “It helps your mental health, your physical health. It really does have a lot of positive effects.”
Some studies suggest extending working life — especially in a job or occupation that gives a person meaning — may contribute to greater longevity. Volunteering, too, may lead to slowed biological aging, according to a recent study, and socializing regularly has been linked to a significantly lower risk of premature death.
All these activities lead to a heightened sense of purpose, and research has shown that having a strong sense of purpose can reduce the risk of all-cause mortality.