Another 1 to 3 inches of rain likely by Sunday

Odds are increasing that this will be a Top 5 wettest spring on record for much of Minnesota.

By Paul Douglas

The Minnesota Star Tribune
June 19, 2024 at 7:55PM

Minnesota meteorologists: It might be faster to list the days and hours it won’t be raining over the next two weeks. A dry sky and fleeting sunshine will become “BREAKING NEWS” and a sunny weekend statewide may qualify as a meteorological miracle.

Tornadoes failed to materialize Tuesday, but the Minnesota Arrowhead and North Shore picked up 1 to 2 months’ worth of rain, as much as 7 inches.

What’s going on, Paul? A sprawling heat wave is stuck just to our south and east. Persistent storms are spinning up along the northern boundary of this heat wave, soaking Minnesota every 1 to 3 days with almost military precision. Odds are increasing that this will be a Top 5 wettest spring on record for much of our state, and models print out another 3 to 5 inches of rain by late June.

Showers and thunderstorms are likely Thursday into Saturday. Sunday looks drier, but showers may linger up north.

Two consolations: We haven’t experienced wretched heat waves (yet). And it’s greener than I’ve ever seen it out there!

about the writer

Paul Douglas