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Over the past decade or so, dozens of state and municipal governments across America have enacted good-sized increases in local minimum wages. Whatever its other effects on employment levels, this progressive policy innovation has definitely put economists to work.
For years number crunchers have feverishly been studying how employers and workers have responded to and been affected by minimum wage hikes. The results have been sometimes encouraging, sometimes worrisome and almost always complicated.
Four years ago, I published a column in this space titled “A new consensus on the minimum wage? Yes, but … .” It wrapped up a series of columns that had sampled the outpouring of research set off by the wave of local minimum wage boosts that began in around 2014.
The various localized increases (the federal minimum wage hasn’t changed since 2009) created a wealth of “natural experiments” — situations where scholars have been able to compare employment shifts and other trends in communities that are a lot like one another, except that some boosted minimums while others did not.
Evidence that it’s time to revisit this still bustling real-world laboratory comes in a recent post on the always valuable Marginal Revolution blog. It’s titled, as it happens, “The New Consensus on the Minimum Wage.” Economist Alex Tabarrok notes several provocative new studies that add to the same complex verdict on minimum wages I tried to describe in 2021.
I noted then that an earlier era’s consensus among economists — which peaked some 40 years ago — had held that minimum wage increases, at least large ones, inevitably reduce employment opportunities for lower-wage, lower-skill workers. But by 2021 that once-settled view had “changed a reasonable amount,” according to Timothy Taylor, an economist at St. Paul’s Macalester College and managing editor of the distinguished Journal of Economic Perspectives, which had just published a symposium on the new thinking.