Walleye opener: Share your best stories with the Star Tribune

April 16, 2021 at 2:24PM
Have a favorite opening day memory? Hundreds of thousands of Minnesota walleye anglers do. We want to hear yours.
(STAR TRIBUNE/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

For many Minnesotans, the May walleye opener is a keeper, and this year the Star Tribune will celebrate your favorite opening day stories.

Tell us where you float your boat — or cast from shore — how you rig to catch walleyes (or northern pike or panfish) and who attends the opener with you. Friends? Relatives? Both?

Also, what's your best-ever opening day memory? Perhaps it's of walleye limits caught, great meals shared among family or friends — or waking up on the season's first morning to snow slanting from the north, whitecaps on the lake and an outboard motor that won't start.

Whatever the details, tell them to us online by clicking here, or send an e-mail to outdoorsweekend@startribune.com.

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