Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
Much has been said about the DFL’s “trifecta” domination of Minnesota government — the party’s control of both legislative chambers as well as the governorship since 2023. But this summer Minnesota Democrats achieved a still more unusual level of institutional supremacy. Sticking with a gambling metaphor, we might call the DFL’s newly commanding position in Minnesota “four of a kind.”
With the recent appointments of Associate Justices Sarah Hennesy and Theodora Gaitas, all seven members of the Minnesota Supreme Court are now appointees of DFL governors — Tim Walz and his predecessor, Mark Dayton. Records at the State Law Library indicate that the entire membership of the state’s highest tribunal hasn’t been unanimously hand-picked by politicians of one party since the 1920s.
And while Democrats conceivably could lose one leg of their “trifecta” in November’s election — their House of Representatives majority — they face virtually no danger of relaxing their total grip on the state high court, even though three of the court’s seven members will be on the ballot next month.
Welcome back to the curious world of judicial selection in Minnesota, a complicated, largely unofficial but consistently reliable system in which, contrary to the old saw, elections hardly ever have consequences.
Regular Minnesota voters are accustomed to a puzzling spectacle when they examine their judicial ballot — a long list of judges standing for re-election, about whom they’ve heard little or nothing, who carry no party label, and nearly all of whom face no opponent while being helpfully labeled as the “Incumbent” (unlike any other officeholders on the ballot).
Hundreds of thousands of Minnesota voters commonly ignore these “races,” even the ones that include a challenger.