Patrick Kennedy

Business, Research
Kennedy also has written about nonprofit organizations and mergers and acquisition activity.

Latest from Patrick Kennedy


Are Vista Outdoor shareholders ever going to vote on the ammunition group acquisition?

The Anoka-based company on Tuesday postponed a special meeting to vote on the plan for the company for the seventh time.
September 24, 2024

As time starts to run out, Vista Outdoor continues to back ammunition group deal with Czech company

The board on Wednesday officially rejected the latest offer from MNC Capital and recommends shareholders approve the CSG deal before an expiration date.
September 18, 2024

Apogee, which provides glass for projects like U.S. Bank Stadium, much leaner after restructuring

The company has 2,700 fewer employees now, and also fewer businesses.
September 18, 2024

Golf’s popularity remains after pandemic surge, good news for Bloomington-based Toro

Interest in golf surged during the pandemic but hasn’t retreated from the gains like other outdoor sports have, which is good for the golf industry, including Toro and local courses.
September 14, 2024
The interior of a Topgolf center.

Vista Outdoor postpones sale vote, yet again, after new bid from MNC Capital

Anoka-based Vista Outdoor said Tuesday it would reschedule Friday’s shareholder meeting on the sale of its ammunition business to a Czech company after getting another bid from MNC.
September 10, 2024

Toro cashing in on golf’s growth, reversing losses from last summer

Golf’s popularity continues to grow, which has helped the Bloomington-based business offset fewer sales from homeowners and lawn care dealers.
September 5, 2024
Health Care

UnitedHealth data breach dings earnings for Mendota Heights-based Patterson

Patterson’s first-quarter sales and earnings missed expectations as it adjusted to the cybersecurity effects on its dental clinic customers.
August 28, 2024
Patterson Cos. headquarters

Minnesota’s Northern Oil and Gas makes over $5B in deals as North Dakota boom wanes

The Minnetonka-based company has made 14 acquisition deals from Texas and New Mexico to Utah and Ohio.
August 21, 2024

Vista Outdoor postpones sale vote, yet again, after new bid from MNC Capital

Anoka-based Vista Outdoor said Tuesday it would reschedule Friday’s shareholder meeting on the sale of its ammunition business to a Czech company after getting another bid from MNC.
September 10, 2024

Toro cashing in on golf’s growth, reversing losses from last summer

Golf’s popularity continues to grow, which has helped the Bloomington-based business offset fewer sales from homeowners and lawn care dealers.
September 5, 2024
Health Care

UnitedHealth data breach dings earnings for Mendota Heights-based Patterson

Patterson’s first-quarter sales and earnings missed expectations as it adjusted to the cybersecurity effects on its dental clinic customers.
August 28, 2024
Patterson Cos. headquarters

Minnesota’s Northern Oil and Gas makes over $5B in deals as North Dakota boom wanes

The Minnetonka-based company has made 14 acquisition deals from Texas and New Mexico to Utah and Ohio.
August 21, 2024
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