Opinion editor’s note: Strib Voices publishes a mix of commentary online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
First elected to the Minnesota House in 1998 and now serving in the state Senate, Anoka County Republican Jim Abeler is a veteran rider of the state budget roller coaster and has been on the front lines when economic downturns require belt-tightening.
As a legislator who’s spent a career focused on health and human services, he understands that spending cuts in these areas are particularly painful. When they’ve been required, they’ve come with a personal toll: anguish and months of lost sleep.
“Done badly, true harm can happen,” Abeler said in an interview Tuesday. ”Done carefully, we can try to manage through it.”
I’ve known Abeler a long time and watched him wrestle with these decisions over the past quarter-century. So it wasn’t a surprise to hear that he spearheaded a thoughtful and necessary letter to the state’s Republican congressional delegation — one that urgently sounds the alarm about reckless potential federal funding cuts to Medicaid.
Medicaid provides medical coverage to the needy, elderly and disabled. It’s jointly financed by the federal and state governments. In Minnesota, it’s generally referred to as Medical Assistance.
A quick look at a state fact sheet from KFF, a nonpartisan policy organization, shows the vital role Medicaid has in providing access to health care here. In Minnesota, Medicaid covers one in six adults aged 19 to 64, three in 10 children, one in three people with disabilities and five in nine nursing home residents.