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Like many veterans of World War II, my father spoke only rarely of his 303 days in combat zones between June 1944 and April 1945. When pestered by his kids for war stories he often fell back on two lingering images.
“The surf was pink,” Dad would say of Omaha Beach, the bloodiest killing field of D-Day. There, 80 years ago this week, on a narrow, fortified strip of sand in northwest France, the 29-year-old from Arkansas went ashore with the Second Infantry Division on the morning after the initial assault.
My father also would remember how, throughout weeks and months that followed, he would watch waves of American and British bombers pass overhead, flying eastward to rain devastation on German troops and cities.
“And before the last of them had passed,” he’d always add, with a curious tone of something like pity in his voice, “the first ones already would be coming back.”
Even as a credulous pre-teen, not yet inclined to automatically question my father’s version of reality, I found those stories slightly hard to believe. But decades later, in Steven Spielberg’s shattering homage to the generation that fought and won the months-long Battle of Normandy — the movie itself a quarter-century old now — I encountered corroboration of what Dad couldn’t forget.
Spielberg had pestered surviving veterans of history’s largest amphibious invasion for details to give “Saving Private Ryan” its wounding authenticity. And at the end of his unflinching dramatization of the assault on Omaha Beach he let his camera linger on a decidedly rosy surf washing over the corpses of fallen GIs.