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Angela Denker

Contributing Columnist
The Rev. Angela Denker is an ELCA pastor, journalist and award-winning author. She is a sought-after speaker on Christian nationalism. Her first book was “Red State Christians,” and her new book, “Disciples of White Jesus: The Radicalization of American Boyhood“ will be released in March 2025. She has written for many publications, including Sports Illustrated, the Washington Post and Fortune magazine. You can read more of her work on her Substack, I’m Listening, at She serves Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church as pastor of visitation and public theology and lives in Minneapolis.


Latest from Angela Denker

Contributing Columnists

Denker: The stress of sending your kids to school amid bomb threats and yet another school shooting

From bomb threats at schools in Ohio to the recent shooting in Georgia, it’s no wonder the U.S. surgeon general has warned that parental stress is a significant public health issue.
September 17, 2024
Contributing Columnists

From Opinion: Our State Fair: Pain and pride, miracles and a double rainbow after the storm

Are these 322 acres large enough to hold Minnesota’s past, present and future, its tragedies and hope?
August 30, 2024
Contributing Columnists

In defense of the ‘bro hug’ marriage

Why I can’t shake off criticism about how Tim and Gwen Walz greeted each other on stage.
August 20, 2024